GOOD NEWS from the Himalayas!

Dear Friends,

The Himalayan Inter-College won top honors in the state of Uttarakhand (#1 of 1200 schools)!  Inter-College refers to a school that goes up through the 12th grade.

Kavita Karki, one of our scholarship students was one of the top 25 students in the state!  “This is a huge honor,” says, Prakash Karki, the Director of the school.

Our graduated senior students are attending university at an unprecedented rate.  Since the first graduates of Himalayan Inter College in 2012, 85% of our graduates are attending college. Prior to this school opening in this region, college education was unthinkable for most kids in this region. Quite often, girls did not even finish high school.

Those in college are pursuing everything from Science and Engineering to Medicine and Biotechnology! The data  clearly demonstrates the resounding success that has been made possible by the vision and hard work of Prakash Karki, Devbala Bisht and the rest of the staff and teachers of HIC. They created an environment to encourage higher learning and every child has worked so hard to pursue their dream! Congratulations to all!

classroom-croppedIn this photo, students write to their sponsors their heart-felt thanks for the scholarship support they receive which unequivocally changes the course of their young lives.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making elementary and secondary school and therefore a university education, an attainable goal for  these young people of the Uttarakhand Province of the Himalayas.

Your support offers hope and a brighter future to a generation of young women and men of the village communities of the Himalayas.

With Deep Appreciation,

The Board of Directors
Himalayan Education Foundation

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Update from the Himalayas – Summer 2014
July 25, 2014
Helping Hands for HEF’s Himalayan Naari program
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